Friday, 14 January 2011

Mobile Go Revived

Mobile Go revived since New Year 2011. I've found a partner to work on this project with me. However, this time it will be focusing on building a system that provides the best user experience of sharing fun of Go.

Enthusiasts' voices should never be ignored. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Great. Except that there's no link - anywhere - to download your program, even the older versions...

Mobile Go said...

If you don't mind give me your email address, I'll email you the program.

Anonymous said...

hello - it's fca - at- cardocom dot. Eu

Bill B. said...

will this work on the HP Touchpad running WebOS? If so, I would very much like to try it out. If you think it might but aren't sure, I'll be happy to try it and let you know how it goes. I will try to remember to check back here or I can be reached at kc7jsd…at...chaperone-dot-net if that works better.

Bill B. said...

*sigh* that should be cableone and not chaperone. I didn't catch the autocorrecting until after posting.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I also seek a Go program for my Touchpad. My email is glenho_san -at- yahoo-dot-com-dot-hk.
